In 1903, the members of New Antioch Baptist Church decided to construct their own place of worship. It was requested of Mr. Harry English of Chattahoochee Brick Company, that he donate land on which the church could be constructed. Mr. English provided the land that the church presently stands on, and the first building to go up was a white frame structure. It was completed and dedicated to the Lord on the first Sunday in May, 1905.
On January 19, 1941, plans were begun to build a larger sanctuary to be located at the front of the white frame building. J. L. Haynie was the architect for the project and his father, A. C. Haynie, was chosen as the builder of what is presently the sanctuary for First Baptist Church of Chattahoochee. Dedication of the new sanctuary was on September 6, 1942, when the cornerstone was laid in the afternoon. At this time the name of the church was changed from New Antioch to the First Baptist Church, Chattahoochee, Georgia and later to First Baptist Church Chattahoochee.