Our Service Roll
Collins Memorial Methodist Church
Bolton, Georgia
Mother's Day
May 9, 1943
On this Mother's Day, 1943, your Church is deeply concerned over your welfare. We are constantly
thinking of you and are grateful for the heroic sacrifice that you, and millions of others are making
that we might have a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. The flag on the wall with a star for
each of you is before us every time we meet, and may we assure you that we count it a privilege to always bear you to a Throne of grace. Your Church is proud of you and it is our earnest prayer that our Heavenly Father will keep, encourage and strengthen you and in His Providence return you safely to us soon.
Your servant in Christ,
J. C. Callaway, Pastor.
Dear Friend in Service:
We are constantly reminded of how small our part in the war effort is compared with the sacrifices you, in the service, are making. We are thankful that we have such fine boys and girls in our church, and although we miss you our hearts are filled with pride over the splendid job you are doing. We pray the Heavenly Father will protect you and that soon you will be back home again.
Yours very sincerely,
R. D. Webb, Chm. Board of Stewards,
Dear Friend,
It is a joy and privilege to try to convey to you how much we, at home, honor you for your cheerful answer to our Country's call, and our prayers and best wishes follow you in all you undertake, wherever you may be. We are doubly proud of your patriotism and influence which proclaims the worth - whileness of Christianity.
Fannie Mae Webb, (Mrs.R.D.) Pres. W.S.C.S.
Dear Young Friends,
Great rewards are always bought by terrific effort. This effort you are making in each day's achievement
and in each tomorrow's project. Reward will surely come to you, both in a personal way because of that deep inward satisfaction which follows a job well done, and in a general way because of a better civilization which must result. You are doing just what I expected of you- your duty. My warm interest follows you. My constant prayer to Our Heavenly Father is that He may be with you and may bring you safely home again soon.
"Miss Vera" (Mrs. Homer L. Wilson) Director Christian Education.
[Letter from Chambers of the Judges of the Superior Court of the Atlanta District
to the ones in service from Collins Memorial Church. Virlyn B. Moore, Chm. Board of Trustees]
[Letter from Arthur J. Moore, Bishop in Charge Methodist Ch.GA and FLA]
[Letter from Wallace Rogers, District Superintendent, Atlanta West District]
[Letter, March 11, 1943 from Ellis Arnall, Governor]
Chess Abernathy 1619, Tecnical Training Ser., The J.M. School, Camp Lee, Va.
Corp. George H. Adams H & S Co. 834th Eng. BN A V N, APO 517 New York, N.Y.
T. Mansfield Arnold USS Eagle 27-F 3rd, c/o Fleet P.O., Key West, FL
Sgt James A. Bailey A.S.D. 34084276 Spec. Serv.Sec., 39th Inf.APO 9, c/o Postmaster,New York,NY
Pvt. W.S. Bailey 32 A.D.G., Repair Squadron, Hill Field, Ogden, Utah.
Sgt. Roxie E. Bell 19th WAAC Operations Co., AWS, P.O. Bx 4928, Jacksonville, Fla.
Thomas O Bennett Address Unknown.
[Psalm of Life]
[A Prayer in Wartime for the Missing, by the Reverend Dr. George Stewart]
Our Armor: Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand......
Ray C. Dickey Aviation Cadet, Naval Air Station-Bldg.7, Dallas Texas.
P.F.C.C.C. Donald, U.S.M.C.-Unit 250, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal.
P.F.C. James E. Eades A.S.N. 14119570, Co.A - 825th Eng. BN.AVN, APO#517,US Army, c/o Postmaster, New York City.
Pvt. John H. Eades U.S.M.C. Service Squadron 32, Barracks A-3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, F.M.F., Cherry Point, N.C.
Corp. W. J. Eades Finance Office 111 Corps, APO #303, Ft. McPherson, Georgia
Corp. Virgil L. Faith 908 Squadron G.A.F.S., Greenville, Miss.
Ellis Fowler Address Unknown.
Pvt. Alfred C. Bradley Co.B 2nd C.W.S.-T.M.G.-R.E.G., Camp Sibert, Alabama
Margaret Brown Norfolk, Va.
Paul Anderson Brown Siignal Corps, Polk Field, Mo.
Pvt James E. Callahan A.S.N. 14137493 Battery F 251 C A (AA), APO 913 c/opm, San Francisco,Cal
John Callahan Address Unknown.
Capt. James Cantey 2345 McDowell St., Augusta, Georgia
Max Carroll 1307 Division St., Key West, Fla.
Corp. Jewel P. Clark Supply Det. Sec. 1, Q.M. Sub. Ser. Sta. 4th S.C., Camp Blanding, Fla.
Corp. W. H. Clark 6929023 Co. L, 32nd Inf., Camp Rucker, Ala.
C.M. Dickson B. M., 1st Class U.S.S. Humboldt, c/o Fleet Post Office, New York, N.Y.
P.F.C. Herbert W. Gary 856 Signal Service Co., Army Air Base, Cortland, Ala.
William Jesse Gary, Jr. Fort Benning, Georgia
Henry B. Gorman, Jr. Norfolk Navy Hospital, Staff Rm 35, Portsmouth, Va.
Lt. W.R. Haines 303rd Bombardment Sq., Drew Field, Tampa, Fla.
Stephen Bruce Heyback, Mach. M/2nd C. Fleet P.O., c/o USS Talamanca, San Francisco, Cal.
B.H. Hudgins, F 2/C Patrol Wings - HDQ Squadron, U.S. Naval Station, Quonset Point, R.I.
L. P. Hudgins USS Lakehurst, c/o PM, New York City.
Edmond C. Hughes, Capt. Inf. O-353558, Public Relations G.H.Q. 5 W.P.A., APO 500,
c/o pm,San Francisco.
Charles H. Ireland, 1st Class Seaman USS Singaman 2nd Division, c/o pm, Morgan St.Annex,
New York, N.Y.
Pvt Elbert E. Irelan 1059 M.P. Co. (AVN ), Robinsfield Warner Robins, Georgia.
Rev. Chrles C. Lovin
Sgt Jack McClain 1st Depot G.P., APO 1825, c/o pm, New Orleans, La.
Frank Merritt Address Unknown.
Major Charles H. Mitchell 124 Superior Ave., Decatur, Georgia
Dr. W.E. Mitchell, M C. USNR U.S. Thomas Stone, c/o pm, New York, N.Y.
Lt James P. Moore Box 448, Grenda, Miss.
Ensign Robert D. Moore USN-A.T.B. Solomon Branch, Washington, D.C.
Capt. John Virgil Moore, Ord. Dept. Post Ordnance Officer, Camp Livingston, La.
Hugh E. Oldham, Seaman First Class D-5 Navy 8185 Fleet P.O., San Francisco, Cal.
Robert Pittard 1560 Service Unit Headquarters Section, Camp Atterbury, Ind.
Pvt. Raymond H. Seagraves Army General Hospital, Forrest Hill, Augusta, Georgia.
Horace M. Sewell A/5 Co. 84 USN Training Stration, San Diego, Cal.
Candidate Dalton Shields, Qg-14-C, Wing 1, A-A-F, O.C.S., Miami Beach, Fla.
Pvt Lofton H. Smith - 34680503 306 T. SS Flight A, Kessler Field, Miss.
S. Sgt George W. Smith Co 1 300 Inf, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Paul Smith Med. Detach. Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
T/SGT Albert B. Sprouse 14056550 H.Q. 320th Bomb. Group, c/o pm, APO 520, New York, N.Y.
Henry Thomas Address Unknown.
Sydney Tolbert 3618 McCandless, Bldg., San Diego, Cal.
[at the end of the above line is: Chief Petty Officer. I can't tell if it should be at the beginning of the next line or not]
Robert A. Walker, W.O. 9th Hospital Center, Camp Rucker, Ala.
R.E. Walker, Jr. U.S. Receiving Station, Sargo, Boston, Mass.
Pvt. W. M. Walker, A S N 34351469 - Co. C. 727 Ry Opr. B N T C, APO 600, c/o pm, New York, NY.
Thomas Jeff Warren 8th Battalion, Co. A 2nd Platoon, Camp Wheeler, Georgia
Corp. William Howard Warren, A S N 34084087- Anti-Tank Co., 147th Inf. San Francisco, Cal.
R. D. Webb, Jr., Ph. M. 1st Class Dental Dispensary, Parris Island, S.C.
Lt. E. J. Wooten 2nd St. Ord. Dept. APo 4015, c/o pm, New York, N.Y.
Sgt H.F. Wooten 954 Dill Ave., Atlanta, Georgia
Officers Candidate W. D. Wooten Co. K Ordinance Officers Candidate School,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
[This booklet was given to us by Bill Adams, Adams
Hardware, Atlanta, Ga. We know no one listed nor does
Bill. It was in his mother's things.