(DEC) lat: 33.8006611
(DEC) long: -84.4424290
elev. 909 ft.
(DMS) lat: 334802N
(DMS) long: 0842633W
        In 1905, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad was joined to the Western and Atlantic Railroad by a belt line, which ran through the Hill Park Yards. A small town grew up just north of the Hill Park Yards to house the workers. It was called Ellen (L & N), but later adopted the name Hills Park.

Grits was made the official prepared food of Georgia in 2002.  Grits are bits of ground corn or hominy which constitute a uniquely indigenous Southern food first produced by Native Americans many centuries ago.  Corn is a preeminent Georgia crop grown throughout the state. Grits can be a pure and simple breakfast dish or can be incorporated into gourmet cooking through countless recipes. Cherokee Rose

August 18, 1916

No. 42

Whereas, In many of the States of the Union some flower indigenous to the soil of the State has been chosen as an emblem of its sovereignty; and

Whereas, Hitherto the General Assembly of Georgia has made no such selection; and

Whereas, The Cherokee Rose, having its origin among the aborigines of the northern portion of the State of Georgia, is indigenous to its soil, and grows with equal luxuriance in every county of the State,

Be it therefore by the House of Representatives of Georgia, the Senate concurring, resolved, That, at the suggestion and request of the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs, the Cherokee Rose be and the same is hereby adopted as and declared to be the floral emblem of the State of Georgia. Knobbed Whelk

Christened the state seashell in 1987, the knobbed whelk is a whorled shell, eight inches long at maturity, displaying heavy spines, many knobs, and an orange or red mouth. Minerals in Georgia coastal waters cause ocher striations on the sand-colored, semi-gloss surface. This marine snail shell is found all along Georgia's shoreline, out to 30 feet of water.
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The New Washington Street Viaduct passing
through New L & N RR Terminals Atlanta Ga.
L & N (Ellen) 1975 Atlanta