F. Moore
08    LC 95 0976
House Resolution 1940
By: Representative Thomas of the 55th
Recognizing Felicia A. Moore; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, Felicia A. Moore has long been recognized by the citizens of this state for the vital role that she has played in community leadership and her deep personal commitment to public service and the State of Georgia; and
WHEREAS, she has diligently and conscientiously devoted innumerable hours of her time, talents, and energy toward the betterment of her state as evidenced dramatically by her service during three terms as a member of the Atlanta City Council, representing District 9, as chair of the Committee on Council, and as a member of the Finance/Executive and Transportation Committees; and
WHEREAS, she is as an active member of the Georgia Municipal Association, president of Central Region/District 3, a member of the Legislative Policy Council, on the Revenue and Finance Policy Committee, and she is chair of the Policy Committee for the Georgia Alzheimer's Association, in addition to serving on numerous national boards and associations; and
WHEREAS, one of the highlights of her career was authoring legislation to create the alert system "Mattie's Call" which became an Atlanta Police Department standard operating procedure for swift, efficient public alerts to assist in finding missing mentally impaired persons, which law was adopted state wide in 2006; and she brought "Project Lifesaver" to
Atlanta, which provides a monitoring bracelet that can be tracked by police with a transmitter to quickly find wandering patients; and
WHEREAS, she is a cum laude graduate of Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, and is currently an associate broker with Keller Williams Realty and a member of the Atlanta and National Boards of Realtors; and
WHEREAS, her significant organizational and leadership talents, her remarkable patience and diplomacy, her keen sense of vision, and her sensitivity to the needs of the citizens of Atlanta and the State of Georgia have earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues and associates; and
WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the outstanding accomplishments of this distinguished Georgian be appropriately recognized.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Felicia A. Moore for her efficient, effective, unselfish, and dedicated public service to the citizens of Atlanta and this state and extend to her their most sincere best wishes for continued health and happiness.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Felicia A. Moore.
This pass February, the House of Representatives passed legislation to establish “Mattie’s Call,” which
alerts the public when a person with Alzheimers disease or other form of dementia is missing.    The bill
is waiting for consideration by the Senate.  “Mattie’sCall” was created by the city of Atlanta after Mattie                      
Moore who was an Alzheimer patient, went missing fromher home and her remains were found months later 500
feet from her home.  Recently, the Cobb County Board ofCommissioners adopted Mattie’s Call, and is the first
county in the state of Georgia to implement this alertsystem.  It is the hope of Councilmember Felicia Moore
and the family of Mattie Moore “no relation” that thealert will one day be established on the national level.
May 13, 2003
May 23, 2003
The Honorable Denise Majette
House of Representatives
4th District
1517 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congresswoman Majette:
We have spoken often during your short tenure in office. Therefore I am extremely disappointed to have learned of your recent reversal of opinion via letter. Wastewater is the single most difficult challenge facing Atlanta. I have worked every single day since my inauguration studying the issues and making the difficult decisions. I have no hesitation in my support of our program or in my belief that the current, court approved plan is the best alternative.
In order to verify the previously authorized plan, I convened a committee of national experts on combined sewer systems and solutions. This committee was chaired by Dr. Wayne Clough, President of the Georgia Institute of Technology. After a series of meetings and an in-depth review of alternatives, including full sewer separation, the Clough Committee reported in October 2002 that the proposed CSO concept was sound and that some cost reduction was possible with slight modifications. A copy of their report was provided to your office in the past; however, for your convenience another copy is attached. These recommendations were incorporated into a refined plan that was authorized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division on January 22, 2003, and approved by the court.
The refined authorized plan has the least cost and highest pollutant removal, both in the short-term and the long-term. It also achieves water quality goals in the shortest time. Your contention that immediate, complete sewer separation is a better solution is factually wrong. The current authorized plan is the “fiscally responsible, effective plan,” and prepares Atlanta for the known, future stormwater management regulations.
All solutions to the CSO problem are expensive and all must be implemented in the near-term. The effective actions to minimize the impact to Atlanta’s residents are cost reduction and funding. Focusing your energies on assisting us with federal funding, as has been achieved in San Diego and Boston with the leadership of their congressional delegations, would be most appreciated by the ratepayers of the Atlanta water system, which includes residents of Fulton and DeKalb counties.
Shirley Franklin May 13, 2003
May 23, 2003
The Honorable Denise Majette
House of Representatives
4th District
1517 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congresswoman Majette:
We have spoken often during your short tenure in office. Therefore I am extremely disappointed to have learned of your recent reversal of opinion via letter. Wastewater is the single most difficult challenge facing Atlanta. I have worked every single day since my inauguration studying the issues and making the difficult decisions. I have no hesitation in my support of our program or in my belief that the current, court approved plan is the best alternative.
In order to verify the previously authorized plan, I convened a committee of national experts on combined sewer systems and solutions. This committee was chaired by Dr. Wayne Clough, President of the Georgia Institute of Technology. After a series of meetings and an in-depth review of alternatives, including full sewer separation, the Clough Committee reported in October 2002 that the proposed CSO concept was sound and that some cost reduction was possible with slight modifications. A copy of their report was provided to your office in the past; however, for your convenience another copy is attached. These recommendations were incorporated into a refined plan that was authorized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division on January 22, 2003, and approved by the court.
The refined authorized plan has the least cost and highest pollutant removal, both in the short-term and the long-term. It also achieves water quality goals in the shortest time. Your contention that immediate, complete sewer separation is a better solution is factually wrong. The current authorized plan is the “fiscally responsible, effective plan,” and prepares Atlanta for the known, future stormwater management regulations.
All solutions to the CSO problem are expensive and all must be implemented in the near-term. The effective actions to minimize the impact to Atlanta’s residents are cost reduction and funding. Focusing your energies on assisting us with federal funding, as has been achieved in San Diego and Boston with the leadership of their congressional delegations, would be most appreciated by the ratepayers of the Atlanta water system, which includes residents of Fulton and DeKalb counties.
Shirley Franklin
The Georgia Informer's
Georgia's 50 Most Influential Women For 2007
Felicia A. Moore
Atlanta City Councilwoman
First elected to Atlanta City Council in 1997, Felicia Moore is now in her third term.  She is a member of the National League of Cities and is the current President of the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials.  One of Felicia's greatest legislative achievements involves Mattie Moore (no relation), an Alzheimer's patient who wandered away from her home in 2004 and whose remains were found 6 months later less than 500 feet of her home.  Felicia authored legislation that established the "Mattie's Call" alert system that has become Atlanta Police Standard Operating Procedure for quick, efficient public alerts to assist in finding missing mentally impaired persons.