Riverside Church of God
June 24, 1950
Vol.41 - Issue 17 - page 11
Riverside Church of God
Atlanta Ga.
Has Great Revival
We are praising God for one of the most wonderful revivals we have ever been in. This revival was conducted by Rev. A. C. Valdez, Jr., and his evangelistic party. The revival ran for two weeks, and during this time around a thousand knelt at the altar for salvation, and out of this thousand, 379 were actually saved. Hundreds were healed. We saw deaf and dumb ( some who were born deaf and dumb ) healed instantly: also blind eyes opened and many diseases healed. Brother Valdez conducted a meeting for us last year, and this year when he asked for testimonies from those healed last year, many came forward and testified. Many people from several different denominations came and expressed their appreciation for old - time religion. Brother Valdez’s father, A. C. Valdez Sr., a very godly and sweet - spirited Christian, was a great asset to the meeting. We appreciated the entire evangelistic party and their efforts to make the meeting a success. G. R. Watson, Pastor
This church ( in Cuba ) is a memorial of the Riverside Church in Atlanta, Georgia. The size of the church building is 24 by 42 feet. I am sure the Lord will richly bless those who contributed toward the construction of this fine building.
Brother Edward McLean and wife, missionaries to Cuba, have been working there for a period of two years. They are located in Christo, Cuba. During this time they have five Sunday Schools which has a total in attendance of 300. Their average Sunday School attendance at the Cristo church is 150.
Vol. 43 - Issue 21 - Page 7
July 19, 1952
We must thank Jamie Reed, a student worker, at the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center in Cleveland Tennessee, for gathering and sharing the information below.
Dixon Pentecostal Research Center
260 11th Street NE
Cleveland TN 37311