Chattahoochee Riverway Project

                                                                                                        Trust Buys Parcel for Parkland                                                                                    
Riverside Neighborhood Association
A Resolution Supporting the creation of Riverside Park

Whereas, the Riverside neighborhood is bounded by the Chattahoochee River, and is a historic neighborhood built upon the pre-civil war era Spink Estate;

And whereas, the Riverside neighborhood has experienced significant residential renewal including renovation of existing homes, in-fill construction of new homes, and new neighboring subdivisions;

And whereas, the residents of the Riverside neighborhood desire a park amenity for walking, running, cycling, skating, socializing, picnics, and community gatherings;

And whereas, The Path Foundation has a long standing proposal for the Chattahoochee River Trail along the border of the Riverside neighborhood similar to the Silver Comet Trail and other Greenway Trails in Atlanta;

And whereas, The City of Atlanta Comprehensive Development Plan designates the border of the Chattahoochee River as greenspace and future park development;

And whereas, The City of Atlanta Hartsfield Incinerator Site is located within the Riverside Neighborhood and adjoins residential property, and has been closed for a number of years, used as a temporary dump site for abandoned refrigerators, broken Herbie Curbies, and has recently begun to be used as a waste transfer station for yard waste;

And whereas, the Riverside Neighborhood does not wish for a waste transfer station of any type to operate within or near the neighborhood;

And whereas, more than fifty (50) acres of land exists that is a greenspace buffer between the neighborhood and the Chattahoochee River and is highly desirable for park development similar to the Chatthoochee River National Recreation Area;

And whereas, The Landscape Architecture Foundation and Atlanta Urban Resources Partnership have produced the Chattahoochee Riverway Demonstration Project which includes a vision for Riverside Park, utilizing the Hartsfield Incinerator Site as the main park entrance, includes an amphitheater and redevelopment of the building, incorporates the Path Foundation's Chattahoochee River Trail, and goes further to include a park vision for the eastern boundary of the Riverside Neighborhood along the high voltage power lines.

Therefore, be it hereby resolved that, The Riverside Neighborhood Association does intend to see Riverside Park constructed using the Hartsfield Incinerator Site as the main park entrance;

Be it further resolved that, The Riverside Neighborhood Association will encourage the City of Atlanta to transfer the Hartsfield Incinerator Site to the Parks Department or sell the Hartsfield Incinerator Site to a developer or conservancy group for development as a park;

Be it also further resolved that, The Riverside Neighborhood Association will encourage conservancy groups to purchase lands including the Hartsfield Incinerator Site and riparian buffer lands adjoining the Chattahoochee River and place conservancy easements allowing for park development only;

Be it also further resolved that, The Riverside Neighborhood Association will encourage developers who build projects in the area to consider the Riverside Park in their projects, including connectivity to the park, feeder trails, and the orientation of new streets, lots and houses;

Be it also further resolved that, The Riverside Neighborhood Association shall form the Riverside Park Committee to implement this resolution, and shall seek the endorsement of NPU-D and committee membership from NPU-D neighbors, and seek membership from other useful contributors with park development expertise;

And be it also further resolved that, The Riverside Park Committee shall seek funding to develop a Master Site Plan for Riverside Park.

Resolved this 18th day of November, 2003, by the Riverside Neighborhood Association.
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